Emerging Disruptive Energy Technology
If you look at the most developed countries around you then it is easy to understand that the world has reached the point of no return and now it needs to turn to renewable energy. The only thing that we don’t know is that how long it will take for the world to accept that truth and march towards that future. According to this research, the decentralization of renewable energy production and renewable storage options was considered as the first step of disruption. There are a lot of challenges that are associated with how these renewables are going to be integrated.
It seems like affordable and efficient household electric storage will be the solution that everyone is looking for. However, it is still unclear how this is going to be implemented, many believe that household battery storage is an important disruptive change once it becomes affordable. After, there is no point in introducing such a technology if it is going to be so expensive that no one is able to buy it.
During the research, the second wave was also mentioned which focused on the transport sector. As you may already know, electric vehicles are on the rise and there are a lot of people who are looking forward to buying these cars. There are many countries that are taking steps to phase out cars that are running on fossil fuels and completely switch to electric. Other countries,however, are thinking about other possible problems. The UK, for example, is thinking about other regulatory measures that will have to be imposed for electric vehicles. This is because if there are so many people driving electric vehicles then there will certainly be an effect on the grid.